The long and sometimes windy road

Hi everyone, I haven’t blogged for a couple of days….why? well, because these were long travel days. Even though Kim planned for only about 4 hours max between places, that doesn’t include stopping and the ferry ride! Yikes

After 2 days of travel, first from Golden to Kamloops and then Kamloops to Parksville, we are on the island! And less travel for us for a week or so!

We did have some fun along the way…..we stopped in Revelstoke for lunch, John went to the bakery 😉❤️ and got a delicious Mediterranean wrap and Kim checked out a food truck called the Wandering Root and had a delicious quinoa bowl filled with fresh veggies! We didn’t spend a lot of time here, because we stay in Revelstoke on the way back for a few nights. Next stop, Kamloops where we stayed overnight at the Coast Hotel. John and Kim ordered in from the hotel restaurant Romeo….they said it was really good!

Well, you know after being in the car that long, I, Molly and Levi needed to burn some stink off! So we found a couple of nice dog parks….Molly got to go to the beach!

Next day was a long one folks….as we headed off to catch the ferry.

Now, here’s something to know if you take your furry friends……get a reservation, arrive 2 hours early to get close to the front of the line, so you can get access to the top deck. That way you can stay in your car with us furry kids. Otherwise, in the lower deck you have to leave us by ourselves for two hours…..let me tell you that would have been scary for us….and stinky! And then the ferry is 2 hours to get to Nanaimo…..long trip. But…..we made it!

Kim said today is explore and beach time in Parksville! They are very dog friendly here. Stay tuned, the adventure continues!

Freddy ❤️🐶🐶🐶❤️💕

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